Congratulations! You’ve been fired…
Fired by ‘The Man’.
That’s kind of what happens when you decide to go it alone: to start your own business.
To become an entrepreneur.
To start calling the shots.
‘The Man’ – the system you hated working for – hauled you into his office and gave you both barrels:
“You’re a good worker, but your problem is: you have ideas.
You’re too full of drive, personality, initiative.
You want things to be better, and what’s worse, you seem to be obsessed with improving them yourself.
That kind of thinking just won’t wash around here.
You have no place in The System.
I want you to show up on time every single day, to work late when it suits me, to toe the line, kiss my ass and be grateful for your financial security.
This is no place for creative thinking, for showing the client the best way to go, for educating yourself on work time…
It’s not the place to take risks, to set your own goals, to implement successful ideas from other industries.
I don’t know what happened…
You started off so well, but recently it’s like you’re incapable of doing what you’re told when you know it’s wrong.
You’ve refused to take the shortcuts the ‘lifers’ in your department showed you…
You’re asking all these damn questions…
And I can’t even remember the last time you said “Will this do?”
I’ve got people lined up to replace you – people who don’t suffer from your afflictions of creativity, in-depth specialist knowledge and self-sufficiency.
I’m afraid I’m going to have to leave you to set up shop on your own, with just your ideas, your desire to learn and your determination.
You don’t fit into The System – you’ll just have to create your own.
So I’m going to have to let you go…
You’re fired.”
If you’ve chosen to be ‘fired by The Man’, good for you.
You’re forging your own path. If you need help attracting others to what you have to offer, drop me a line.
I’m an entrepreneur too, and I love helping folks like you sell your services online.