I’m sorry, but there’s a few things I just CANNOT do:
I can’t drink more than 1 cup of tea in a day (in England this is considered treason, which may explain why I no longer live there)…
I can’t put the duvet cover on the duvet without swearing at least once (seriously it’s just so f*#*@!g fiddly I hate it)…
I can’t do up the top button on my favourite black Levi’s (I got them vintage, they’re perfect except I’ve never been able to button them all the way to the top. Maybe next year?)…
But I also can’t help biz-owners who don’t want to know what their ideal customers really think.
Sure we can try to jazz up some ‘genius copy’, swipe like crazy from all the best sales copy templates and hey presto! we’ll probably put a pretty decent sales message together…
But if you don’t know WHO your ideal customers are, and WHAT they need to hear from you in order to buy your stuff, your sales message will never be as effective as it should be.
It’d be like fighting with one arm tied behind your back.
But if you were really able to get into your target market’s minds and understand exactly how they THINK and FEEL about the problems you solve for them, what would that do for your biz?
For starters you’d be able to avoid a LOT of expensive trial and error with your marketing and advertising, if you had a clear idea of who your best prospects are…
You’d be able to use their own language to describe what you do and how it impacts them, reducing resistance to your message and building empathy…
You’d also be able to use more targeted sales messages to appeal more directly to different segments of your audience…
And you’d be able to create customised authority content to position yourself as a leader in your field, and enhance your KLT (Know, Like & Trust) factor.
There’s a couple of ways you can achieve all that:
1 – DIY it
You don’t have to make it complicated…
In fact, I’ll outline how you can do it right here:
Start by setting up a short survey asking your email list (or using a pop-up on your site) to describe their problems in their own words.
Ask them some demographic questions too, so you can cross-reference which type of people give what kind of responses.
Analyse the responses for a few different segments or categories you see recurring within your target market, based on their specific problems.
Swipe some of the most interesting words and phrases in the responses to use in your sales messaging so it resonates with the type of people you want to attract.
Use what you’ve learned to create content outlines for articles / videos / podcasts etc based on the topics or questions the most responsive people are interested in…
…if you get this right, you’ll be creating content you KNOW will get liked, shared and appreciated by your ideal prospects because they’ve already told you they’re into it.
2 – Let me do it all for you, and more…
Because crazy as it may sound, I actually find this survey process a) easier and b) a lot more fun than putting a duvet cover on a damn duvet.
Running a very particular type of research survey is a key part of my Selling Unique process for creating more effective sales messaging for growing businesses…
…and it’s now the ONLY part of that process still available as a standalone service.
I’ve run this tried & tested survey for various kinds of businesses over the past couple of years, and every time it’s uncovered crucial insights for my biz-owner clients to use in their messaging.
In some cases it’s even changed the whole direction of their next campaign, because they were able to see WHY and HOW their old sales message had been going wrong.
If you’re hoping to connect more deeply with your ideal clients or customers and want to create more effective sales messaging that resonates with the people you most want to help, you need to know how they think.
If you don’t, you face an uphill struggle, with more expensive trial and error messaging ahead of you.
Don’t want to risk DIY-ing this process?
Let’s talk…
I can show you exactly how a simple research survey can uncover the hidden insights YOUR biz needs to create more effective sales messaging.
It takes just 20 minutes to walk you through it, and you can ask me any questions you have too.
(Just don’t ask me to make the bed.)
Head here for more info or to shedule a 1-to-1 call with me (where you can steal my ideas free of charge!)