They’re the three little words all consultants long to hear... (No, not those ones. Love don’t pay no bills! Unless… no, let’s not go there.) I’m talking about these three: “Let’s do this.” If you’re a service provider, getting the go-ahead from that promising lead - soon to become …
Careful With That Axe…
"Sell the outcome, not the process." In copywriting, we're told this constantly. And for good reason: People don't buy your product, they buy better versions of themselves. Even when someone buys a product because they claim to love that product or the brand behind it - like clothes, for …
Reduce Choice, Convert More
You and I are living in a world of almost endless choice. A world where “do you want it or not?” has been replaced by “how do you want it?” This is, by and large, a Very Good Thing. It’s great to live in a world of almost endless possibilities… On a quiet-Saturday-night-in for instance, …
It’s Not Just About Zombies
"What do you do?" When somebody asks that about your work, what do you say? Do you just reply: “I own a company that sells shoes”, or “I write copy”, or “I build websites”? No, you probably don’t. Because those answers aren't enough. One: you wouldn’t be giving them anywhere …
Mood Heuristics: Asking Questions In Your Sales Copy
I've been re-reading Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow. As I mentioned in my year-end reading list roundup, it's an extraordinary book, and unlike anything else I've read. Broadly speaking, it links behavioural economics with the psychology of decision-making... It's a fascinating …
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Embracing Constraint: The Improvisation Practice That Produces Better Marketing
Let’s talk about what some people consider to be a filthy, dirty word: Improvisation. It's not outright rude, and it's not a euphemism for the ol' horizontal tango... But still, for some folks in business, the words 'improvise' and 'improvisation' have unholy connotations. They suggest …
The Ultimate Artist As Entrepreneur?
Like many others, I was shocked and saddened by the death of David Bowie this week. I've been a fan of his work since my late-teens, and a flip through my record collection (yes, records) yesterday reminded me that I'd managed to assemble most of the great man's significant albums on vinyl from …
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What Does An Expert Look Like?
Let’s face it: If you're an entrepreneur or consultant... Sometimes you just don’t feel like an expert It happens. Maybe you have a setback in your biz, or you have a tough week, or you just find yourself overshadowed by the seemingly all-conquering powers of a leading …