First, a warning: This post contains NO spoilers at all. Not one. I promise. Ok, now that’s out of the way, how do you feel about it? Relieved? Or maybe just a teeny bit… disappointed? See, our ‘need to know’ is a powerful need. Maybe not as powerful as the need for food, water, …
Enough Is Enough
Everybody has their breaking point. I know, that sounds like the tagline for some long-forgotten cheesy revenge movie from the early ‘90s. I can see the trailer now… Gravelly-voiced voiceover: “EVERYBODY HAS THEIR BREAKING POINT…” (Shot of Arnold Schwarzenegger – or Steven Seagal, …
Dog Food Belief Soup
There’s this scene in Mad Men that has a peculiar truth to it. (I know. A copywriter who watches Mad Men? How predictable. I guess I’m no better than a small town hoodlum bingeing on The Sopranos… Or some junior trader bro lapping up the macho-bling-soap opera Billions (fun show, …
“Can I Trust You?”
Did you know there are THREE types of trust you need to earn to make a sale? According to research in the Journal of Interactive Marketing, when it comes to buying products and services, these three distinct trust factors are crucial. You’re probably familiar with the first two: Trust Factor …
100 Episodes Later…
This week your fix of Selling Unique inspo is a little different... I was recently a guest on The Copywriter Club podcast with Rob Marsh & Kira Hug, and we had a good old natter. (That’s old people English for a chinwag… you know, a chit-chat, confab, chewing the fat, shooting the …
Why Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy
This ever happen to you? You meet someone new and they ask what you do. Or what your business does. So you proudly tell them about the biz you’ve carefully nurtured and grown, and watch as they are completely and utterly… …underwhelmed. Huh. Now, if they’re housebroken, they probably …
Are You Really Worth THIS Much?
Pricing your products and services can be a minefield. Freelancers and consultants worry about what the people ahead of them and behind them are charging… Makers of physical products worry about fluctuating material and shipping costs… Digital entrepreneurs and course owners worry about …
‘Curb Your Lebowski-ism’
What do people HATE about the industry you’re in? You know, the thing that drives them nuts? That’s this month’s Clarity Question to help you sell unique – and the answer will help you connect more deeply with your audience. Here's how: First up, I know – hate’s a strong …