Whenever you make a decision, you risk falling into a trap. The same goes for your customers and prospects. 20 years ago a team of researchers uncovered the ‘Hidden Traps of Decision Making’ that we all fall into at some point. The research found that “the higher the stakes of your …
‘The Forger of Thunderbolts’!
Ever hear of a guy called Charles Proteus Steinmetz? The records show Steinmetz was a respected expert on alternating current systems theory (the ‘AC’ in AC/DC)… His work for General Electric and beyond had an enormous impact on America’s golden age of electrical engineering, and pretty much …
When You Just Don’t Know
“Follow your passion!” How many times has that rousing cliché tumbled forth from stage, page or screen? There are people doing great work who really have ‘followed their passion’. Good for them. But what about when you just don’t know what your ‘passion’ is? What about those of us …
They Tried To Drown Me
Recently I was on holiday on the beautiful Croatian island of Hvar. You’re supposed to pronounce the ‘H’, like ‘huh-var’. But really quickly, like it’s one syllable instead of two. It’s kinda hard (h-vard?). Even after a week I still couldn’t get used to it. Anyway, I’d totally recommend …
"So, what do YOU do?" As biz-owners we’re free to give pretty much any response when someone asks us that. We’re not restricted by the labels of the past: “accountant”, “teacher”, “copywriter” etc. Partly it’s because there are even more labels than ever… (For instance, when you go …
What Are You Running From?
FREEDOM! What a beautiful word. One of my favourites, in fact. You’re probably a fan, too. As both biz-owners and consumers, we enjoy the freedom to make our own choices, to decide our own fates, to follow our own unique paths… And as marketers we often leverage our customers’ desire for …
“Don’t Act Surprised”
When were you last surprised by something a client or customer said to you? What did they say, and what did you learn from it? Did you just dismiss it out of hand, or did it spark something useful? Sometimes when we work our lil butts off to research what our audience thinks of …
Are You Busy?
How many times has someone asked you that question this year? It feels like I’m into the hundreds already, and we’re not even halfway through 2019 yet. It’s like entrepreneurial shorthand for “tell me about what you’re working on” – which is fine as a conversation topic, but isn’t it weird how …