"Why can't you just do it the normal way?!?" I’ll bet you’ve heard that one before. I know I have. It’s usually yelled, or wailed, or worse: Hissed through clenched teeth with the despairing exasperation of someone who’s finally lost the battle to understand your particular brand …
The Jerk Store Called…
There’s this great Seinfeld episode called ‘The Comeback’. In it, heroic loser George Costanza has a bust-up with a work colleague, Reilly. While George is stuffing himself with shrimp cocktail at a board meeting, Reilly jokes: “Hey George, the ocean called: they’re running out of …
Two Mountaintops
A few weeks ago I found myself up a mountain in Catalonia. Now, I’m pure City Folk at heart, but there are times when even I ditch the hustle & bustle to seek out fresh air and nature. So during a workcation (yes, I’m one of those people now) in Barcelona, I took a day trip to a small town …
You’ve seen ‘em all before: Random-AF deadlines… Limited stocks of digital products… ‘CLOSING NOW!’ alerts for offers that are actually open 99% of the time… Seems like a lot of marketers and companies are using an icky combination of scarcity and urgency to get people to buy these …
What Writing Really Is
“Telepathy, of course.” So says gazillion-selling author Stephen King in his book ‘On Writing’. What he means is this: Writing gives us the incredible ability to plant a specific image in a reader’s mind from any distance (and any time, too). And when biz-owners need to communicate with …
Beating Their (Green, Scaly) Filter System
“A great pitch is not about procedure. It’s about getting and keeping attention.” – Oren Klaff Oren Klaff has raised over $2 billion in capital for entrepreneurs and businesses with his pitches, strategies, scripts and training… Thousands of companies use his methods to drive growth …
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What Would YOU Say To Them?
As you’ve probably realized by now, I’m a big fan of the power of questions. Questions as part of a working process to help find the truth at the heart of a project… Questions to better understand the people we serve… Questions to help us create, develop and share our products. So I …
Where Did It All Go Wrong?
Back in April 2018, New York Magazine published a pretty shocking interview. It was with former Reddit product head Dan McComas, and in it he admitted: I fundamentally believe that my time at Reddit made the world a worse place.” Yowsers. Take a moment to let that admission sink in. In …